[1278] The Process of CCC Certification for CCC Alternation Application(Change the Name of the Factory, Same Address, Factory Not Moving)
1. Fill in 'CCC Alternation Application Form':http://china-ccc-certification.com/225.html, with the seal and 'Enterprise Name Change Approval Notice by the State Admi...
[990] The Process of CCC Certification for CCC Alternation Application(Change the Name of the Factory, Address Name Changes, Factory Not Moving)
1. Fill in 'CCC Alternation Application Form':http://china-ccc-certification.com/225.html, with the seal and 'Enterprise Name Change Approval Notice by the St...
[1024] The Process of CCC Certification for CCC Alternation Application(Same Factory Name, Address Name Changes, Factory Not Moving)
1. Fill in 'CCC Alternation Application Form':http://china-ccc-certification.com/225.html, with the seal and copy of CCC certificates fax to: 86-021-51095580-807 or e-mail...